Wednesday 10 October 2012

facial cleansers

If you are one of those teenagers suffering from problems of acnes, you need not worry any more. There are a number of different treatments and facial cleansers available in the market which may work for you. The outburst of acnes during the teenage years is very common and there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you cannot spend your pocket money on these expensive facial cleansers and acne creams, do not worry. There are many home remedies which can be done at home using materials available at our home.
Remedies to Make Face Cleansers at Home
One of the most common causes of acne is oily skin. Thus, it is important to clean your face with facial cleansers everyday whenever one gets a little time. Secondly one can make a number of masks and cleansers at home and apply them twice in a week in order to provide proper nourishment to your skin which helps in the prevention of acne. You can start by applying cucumber and tomato slices on your face for 15 minutes every day before going to bed. This will help you clean your face as well as lighten the scar marks left by the acne. You can mix some lavender with aloe vera and apply it to your face. Massage your face with it for 10 minutes and then wash it off. This will help you remove the dirt from your skin pores and leave your face radiant. Grape also forms very good facial cleanser. You can apply the grapes on your face for 2-3 minutes and then wash it off. Taking a steam bath can help you to get rid of acne for good. Make sure to do it twice in a day to see good results.
Natural methods make the best face cleansers. No expensive product can match the effectiveness of the natural products. So, try these remedies for good results which you will see in a few weeks time.